Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Moving Pots

I'm not a normal person.. well not totally normal anyways.  I'm a talker, hence the name.  That being said I've been told since I was little that I would be not only late for my own funeral, but dead ten minutes before I finished talking.

What can I say I'm a communicator.  I explain purchases, I fill awkward silences with even more awkward topics of conversation.  I'm amusing on accident, and I tend to move the pots around on my "burners" around like I'm playing hot cross buns. Mind you, I've never played hot cross buns, but still I move them around a lot.

That being said I've had to put my concentration on moving (into my own place with my babies) and have had to not be focused on my blog, cause I suck, period.

But the good news is that I will finally have enough of my stuff at my house to start staying there.  And I've put in my request for cable installation. So I'll be having internet there soon, as well.  Which means I'll start being even MORE awesome than I am already at this blogging thing..

Please keeps your laughing to a quiet giggle, behind your hands. Thank you.