Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Crafty... Or Not

As if preparing a homemade (well mostly) Thanksgiving dinner isn't enough for one week, we're also crafting.

I'm not especially crafty.   I'll try a little something and if it looks good I'll try a little more, until it's obviously too much and can't be taken off.  So I normally just don't craft.

So why on God's green earth am I crafting, especially during one of the busiest times?  Oh that's because my brother is going on a People to People Ambassador trip next year.

So to be supportive I'm pooling all the creativity inspired by Pinterest and the craftiness from my right pinky, and ending up covered in Mod Podge and glitter.

You will all be jealous of the glitter that will soon be a 'natural' part of my complexion. I'm preparing myself for that day, as well as the day that the paparazzi will follow me around, trying to get a picture of me picking my nose. 

Be on the look out. It could happen.

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