Thursday, December 1, 2011

Im a Lurker

I was going to do Mama Kat's writers workshop today. But I changed my mind.

Today I'm going to write about my biggest blogging fail.

I'm a lurker.

I sit on Twitter, all day and tweet a whole 4 times. I also read certain blogs almost daily. I've probably commented, collectively, ten times.

It's not that there aren't awesome conversations going on, on Twitter. Or that the posts I'm reading aren't relatable or passionate or don't deserve comments, because the posts are all of those amazing things.
I lack the true self confidence to feel that my comments are worthy. To feel like I will actually add something valuable to the post or the conversation.

This is something I plan to conquer in 2012. I will be 25 and I'm going to focus on fixing what I can. Because I want to be AWESOME when I turn 26.

Happy December First!

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