Thursday, September 8, 2011

There Goes My Pants

I went to my inaugural PT2 gathering tonight. That's Pursuing Titus 2, it's a women's group, and I totally love it.

And I as I sat down next to my still baby having friend I feel a release of pressure... in my pants...  by my crotch.  I freaked for a second, because I also heard that rendering noise that sounds like threads being stretched across continents... I slowly moved my hand over my thigh, and looked down.  I'd done it.

I totally busted my thunder thigh right through ANOTHER pair of denim pants.  Granted it's been a little while (like a year) since the last pair, it's still distressing.  It's not because of my weight (which Yes, I am aware is substantial.).  It's because once I find a pair of pants I love I wear them until I can no longer wear them.  Which in most cases means I wear the thigh right outta the pants.

I could have been ashamed, turned beet red and excused myself to the car for the remainder of the evening. But that is SOO not who I am. I looked at my mom, and I said, "Great.. I just blew out another pair of pants."  (More or less) And explained the 'phenomenon' to any who were confused. (Surprisingly few.).

The fact that I can be so cavalier and open about the fact that I ripped my pants while sitting down on the floor criss cross applesauce and yet find myself being scared and intimidated about sharing my religion and views is something that I am shamed by.

So I guess I'm going to rip those ties that are bonding as well. I've found myself stifled over the last few months, changing my blog name helped but still I couldn't find that voice or topic.  And now, I think I've found the reason why.  It's going to take some time, and don't be surprised if I'm a little shaky and timid at first. But this is totally about to become one of those Jesus freak blogs.  Not meaning that it's all I'm going to talk about, but it's going to be a lot of what I talk about.

So buckle up and find your Bible. We're in for a ride!