Wednesday, September 21, 2011

An Exercise in Creativity...

Doing Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop this week... Maybe I'll be able to get back on schedule, maybe. 


I am from a coffee pot on all day, from Foldgers and Diet Coke.
I am from the shadows in the corner. I am from the Red Hots on the china cabinet.
I am from the palm tree, the gravel driveways.
I am from  laughter and thunder thighs, from Barbara Jeans and Marian Myrtle Mahalias and Barnes.
I am from the twang of the country slang and slurring speed of speech used on the coast.
From pick up your feet to walk and chew with your mouth closed.
I am from God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.  I am from Holy Ghost filled, tongues speaking and aisle dancing praisers.
I’m from Florida groves and farms in Kentucky, strawberries and fresh corn.
From the little sisters worrying about tights getting wet in the flash flood; rushing at the waves and away, and the hugs and tears from a mostly silent Pa .
I am from tattered wallet sized school pictures, baby pictures on mantles, shells made into lamps, stories told even though they're known by everyone. I'm from the same ol' oak tree my granddaddy made into a switch for my granny. 

Mama Kat, it's been too long since I wrote anything close to like this.

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