Have you ever done something you knew that you shouldn't do, but you just kept doing it anyway? Kinda like eating that third chocolate chip cookie, or drinking that last drink. Maybe you should've just left before last call?
Or maybe it was more like mine.... Being in a bad relationship that you knew you needed to end.
I was in one of those, I knew that it needed to end. If it had been my friend dealing with all the stuff I'd been dealing with I would have encouraged her daily (maybe more like hourly) to ditch the douche bag she was worth more. Plus didn't she want to be available for Mr. Right when he came along?? And while that all sounds good from the outside, and makes perfect sense.. I still stayed in a relationship I knew wasn't good, and didn't have the potential to be good for anyone.
So I ( as I'm always telling my friends to do) pulled up my big girl panties, and told him enough. It wasn't working, I was finished. I was done.
Things were said that hurt me, far more than the ending of the relationship did. And if that doesn't prove that the relationship wasn't working, I'm not sure what would.
It's been three (whole) days, and I'm really feeling much better about myself, and that I'm moving in a positive direction.
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