It's Thursday that means another of Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop Writing Prompts. Yay!!
Today the prompt I've chosen is... *dun dun dun*
10 things you would do if you didn't have to work. I'm approaching this as if I were a stay at home parent, and not as if I were a bazillionaire with money to spare. :)
1) I would make sure that my dresser drawers were organized. Also the children's drawers and their closets and probably my kitchen cabinets. I like organized I just don't have time for organized.
2) I'd work out. I know that sounds lame and like I'm making working my excuse for my weight (which is only partly accurate). But I love me some Zumba and if I could I would TOTALLY do it during the day when other people are working.
3) I'd make more home made stuff. Bread, crafts, jams, ok probably not jams, but stuff. You get the idea. And they'd be healthy. Cause that's what I'd wanna do.
4) I'd get a chance to catch all the prime time shows I miss for Dora at night.
5) Probably take courses. Things like cooking and photography and photo editing. And then cook, take pictures and edit them.
6) Dust my whole house, and then wash everything down and then polish all the fake wood that my whole place is covered in. The paneling, the floor, the cabinets. Everything.
7) Refinish my table, because the top is an obscene mess with water rings and such.
8) Be more consistent on my blog. (This goes kind of along with number 2.)
9) Maybe start half extreme couponing. I don't need a huge obscene stock pile, but a nicely stocked kitchen would be much appreciated.
10) I would finally really start to write that silly book my mom wants me to write. And in the mean time become obsessed with for the down time when I have writer's block.
These are my ten things. What are yours? They seem kind of ordinary. I don't need to change the whole world. Just my little corner.
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