Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Ex

You may remember in my last post that I vowed not to weigh myself for Lent, and to work on toning up my arms, and getting in all sixty-four ounces of water per day? Yeah... that post.  Well I'm hating that post.
Not because at the bottom is my 'before' picture (and that picture is the go to picture when you post a link) no, that's not the reason I hate it.

I hate it because I'm not weighing myself, because I'm attempting to keep my word (it's kind of a big deal for me). In 2011 I didn't use a scale. I detested the scale as much as it detested me, and I know it did because the numbers it showed me were detestable! But when I started this healthy lifestyle make over of 2012, I started using the scale. I started to measure everything by the scale. "Oh you remember that really great time we had on the day I weighed in uber light, right before I gained back the weight I'd lost because of my least favorite week? YEAH! That day."

I even had a habit formed (already!) that included weighing myself. First thing at work, get the paper, empty the bedside commode, weigh, continue with day. But now..

Now I find myself giving the bathroom with the scale sidelong glances. I force myself to look away. I think of it fondly, only remembering the positive parts of our relationship (you know, my weightLOSSES).

It reminds me, quite acurately, of breaking up with a boyfriend.  I only want to remember the positive parts.  I forget all the stupid fights (and weight gains).  I don't remember the late night crying on the phone (or eating the last of the ice cream). I just remeber good, solid hugs (and weight losses). 

I avoid rooms that give the scale a home. I don't want to fall off this wagon, it's entirely too early. However I do miss seeing the numbers (and having a measurable progress), I'm stickin to it!

Happy Lenten  Season Yall!!

PS- I've been doing (almost) decently at drinking enough water, however my exercise has taken a huge hit.  I hope to start going to atleast one Zumba a week in March and using some of the machines afterwards for more of an upper body work out.

PPS- You should totally be following my on Twitter!

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